BIG Announcement: Librarians & Teachers – This One Is For You

Huge thanks to the numerous librarians and teachers who have reached out. Amazing to see the Courtlight series in your catalogs already (like the North Texas Digital Consortium & the Toronto Public Library) and to have eager readers checking them out to explore Algardis.  – 08/09/15

Library Overdrive - Terah SMLThis summer, I was given the opportunity to get the entire Courtlight series into libraries, classrooms, and independent bookstores across the country. In partnership with one of the biggest literary agencies in the U.S. market, I am reaching out to the amazing classrooms and libraries across the U.S. in order to make Courtlight available to readers and individuals in their markets. Libraries and teachers deserve so much love and are crucial parts of the literary community. Now those same pillars can order the entire Courtlight series (brand new edits included) for their patrons and collections in their favorite classroom, middle or high school library, or local library.

Direct through OverDrive, 3M Cloud Library, and Ingram – the premier catalog services for librarians and teachers – Courtlight Books 1-6 are now available in eBook format and soon to be paperback + case-laminate hardcover. This series has sold over 100,000 English-language copies and melds intricate story lines with remarkable characters and unforgettable magic.

It is available for only $2.99 to your local library – yes, you read that right – with no repurchase fee. Appropriate for ages 12 – 19 and Grades 7 -12. Further information on content can be found on the Resources For Librarians page. For the librarians and teachers with a limited budget, I’m offering a free paperback for your catalog with every eBook set purchased plus a prize pack (see below for details).

Sworn To Raise | Sworn To Transfer | Sworn To Conflict | Sworn To Secrecy | Sworn To Defiance | Sworn To Ascension

So this is what I spent most of June/July doing – working feverishly around the clock to update manuscripts with a new proofreader, formatting new EPUB files for libraries-only, and setting up an access system to libraries. That and working with translators, proofreaders and copywriters in three languages to get Courtlight up for a global release.


Courtlight Series Sale


Librarians and Schoolteachers, please fill out this form and expect a Courtlight Librarian Order + Prize Package & Information in the mail. No gimmicks. I just need your name, job title, library/school name, and mailing address. U.S. only at this time! 😉

Leave a comment on this post with the name of your library or school as well if you’re interested and you’ll be entered to win an entire set of Courtlight series books in paperback. Hardback if it goes live soon enough.


In My Inbox: Letters from Readers, Sworn To Vengeance Imposter! & Assorted Goodies

Hi Readers,

I usually post In My Inbox on my TUMBLR account – located here – POST 1, POST 2, POST 3 etc. But I thought I’d try something different and post them on my blog as well. Here’s some of emails I’ve gotten recently and my responses as well as goodies in the mail.


It’s hard for me to believe you have given up on or put off Courtlight 7.
That’s what it kind of feels like to us.

I know you are working on the Spanish version of Courtlight and other things.
But…. I think it would be a smarter move for you to work on the new book.

It feels to your loyal readers that you have forgotten about us, and given up on Ciardis and Sebastian.

I wish you might post an update somewhere about book 7 (facebook, twitter, blog)


I haven’t forgotten about my core readership Gail! But you’re right I haven’t been releasing as quickly as I have in the past. I’m trying to do so many things at once and I’m only one person. Luckily, I now have a great team of individuals who are helping me move forward. After reading your impassioned letter I couldn’t not try to re-prioritize my days. I’ve passed on CHAPTER TWO of SWORN TO VENGEANCE: COURTLIGHT #7 to Rachel (my Author Assistant) and she’s sharing it in The Guild (the Facebook Fan/Reader Group) as well as select quotes from the rest of the manuscript in the coming days. Rachel has direct access as I’m writing and editing now, so you won’t have to wait for extras or tidbits for long and the book will release quicker.


Just wanted to inform you that the for iTunes, when I pre-ordered your book 7 for the court light series and downloaded it, it gave me book 6. Not sure if I’m supposed to contact you or apple but thought it was worth a shot!


First of all, a huge thank you to Sri and six other readers who emailed me at 1:00am to tell me there was a problem. I can’t tell you how amazing that it is.

Second – This was completely my fault and I’m incredibly sorry that you were disappointed like that. It’s been a crazy week, a crazy month, a crazy summer. READ MY NEXT POST to see at least partly why. But I’ve been working on translations for three languages, a new library program, and closing out two bundles for 27 other authors so I’ve been working like a madwoman to clear my plate. All of these objectives are something that I LOVE DEARLY and I’m so excited about. I can’t wait to see wait for you see what I’ve been planning but in the meantime Vengeance got accidentally pushed aside. (Not anymore though – see Letter One lol).

My apologies all that I forgot to change the pre-order on iBooks for Sworn To Vengeance on iBooks (that’s totally on me), and some of the copies have already gone out. Fortunately its NOT an unfinished copy of Courtlight #7 but instead the prequel book. I’m working with iBooks to edit this and I really appreciate the 7 readers who emailed in the dead of night to let me know. Your support and dedication is simply amazing. I’ll update you when I know what will happen regarding the pre-order but email me or Rachel at to get a personal response before then.


I was wondering if you give out book swag and / or how to go about getting book marks? Plus I was wondering where I could get autograph copies of your books I have them all on the nook but I would love actual books to hold.


Thanks for the email! I do give out book swag. Just send an email to with your physical mailing address and I’ll get some plus bookmarks over to you.

I’ll be having a few signed copies of the first four Courtlight books available through my website in August so look out for that as well!


I’m putting together mailers for libraries across the country and this is what the table in the dining room looks like as the process is under way –

Page of Wonders

The Courtlight Bash of Summer 2015 – Pandora Jewelry, Swag, and More!

**UPDATE 08/01/2015 – CLOSED**
Thank you everyone so, so very much to everyone who entered this giveaway and for all of your amazing support.   Without you The Courtlight Series would not be where it is today!   It is lovely readers like yourselves who help keep the world of Algardis rife with adventure, romance and excitement!  With that, here is the list of our winners!
Jennifer R, Lonnie H, Jennifer, Amy H, Meredith M, Brittani J,  Bing, Judy S, Melina L, Marites F, Sandra W, Karen G, Tia,  Danielle L, Jennifer E, Ayanami F, Raine D, Emma L, Nikolina V,  Felicia S, Jonathan K, Kai W, Robbie B, Rachel M, Mary A,
Wendi S, Giedre S, and Trinitee M.
I will be contacting everyone so we can get your mailing address in order to get your prizes out to you as soon as possible!   Thank you again!
The Courtlight Series has sold over one hundred thousand copies and in thanks – I’m doing a giveaway to end all giveaways! 
MINI-POSTER - PandoraSummer2015
WHERE: Global access baby, if you’re online anywhere in the world, you can WIN!
WHEN: July 11th – 25th, 2015, winner announced on the 31st!
WHAT CAN I WIN: Well, I’m so glad you asked! (All prizes INTERNATIONAL)
GRAND PRIZE #1: Pandora Ring


SECOND PRIZE: Three Courtlight Bracelets
Courtlight Bracelets A (Small)
Here are the rules:

There are MANY prizes and only ONE way to get the Pandora Ring.

To win the grand prize PANDORA RING, one of 1 or to win one of thirty-three Courtlight Bracelets and/or Swag Packs:

Join the Rafflecopter for #CourtlightBash! : 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

All prizes awarded on July 31st!


Not quite sure how you got to this page or who I am?

Try the Courtlight series out and tell me what you think: SMARTURL.IT/CBSDEAL

About the Author New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Terah Edun is a young adult fantasy writer that writes the stories that she always loved to read as a young girl. Her Courtlight and Crown Service series can be seen on the USA Today Happily Ever After blog.

You can interact with this bestselling author at:


The Blades Of Magic Audiobook is going on tour

Blades Of Magic Audiobook CoverBig Congrats to Janie M.! You won the $20 Giftcard for the Blades Of Magic Audiobook Tour! Thank you for participating in the promotion and I hope everyone got a chance to check out the preview for Blades Of Magic on audio!


Stop by these blogs from June 29th – July 3rd for quotes, thoughts, and critiques. 😀


June 29th

Victoria Simcox’s Blog 

Undercover book reviews

Donnie Darko Girl

June 30th

3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too!

My Tangled Skeins Book Reviews

Why I Can’t Stop Reading

Mama Reads Hazel Reads

July 1st

WOrkS of FiCTioN

Spiced Latte Reads

Paging Through The Days

July 2nd

Around the World in Books


Book Lovers Life

July 3rd

Addicted Readers

Deal sharing aunt

Ashley’s Bookshelf



a Rafflecopter giveaway

June Giveaway – Winners Get Awesome Swag!

Congrats to Brittani J. (United States) – our first winner of the fan giveaway prize pack! ^.^ – 06/08/15

Note: This contest is open to the WORLD. I’ll ship the prizes anywhere – Romania, Brazil, Malaysia, wherever. 😉


Hey all – I’m hosting a JUNE GIVEAWAY of some awesome swag packs. I know I have some crazy awesome readers and talented artists out there. Soooooooooo, I was wondering how you’d feel about creating some fanart and/or Youtube videos on why you love the Courtlights so much?? Pleeeeease. Pwerdy please. ^.^

For every person who posts a 30-second video on Youtube this month OR shares their artistic skills with the world by posting fanart on TUMBLR – I will send them one of these gorgeous swag packs. ANYWHERE in the world.



Here are the rules:

  • Have fun! Open internationally.
  • If its a Youtube video, you have to show at least one of the Courtlight covers on your eReader or have a print copy. But it can be a book review, a 30-second scream fest, a discussion of the series, surprise me!
  • If its fan-art anything goes – photoshop, handdrawn, any skill level is cool. But it has to be relevant to the series. Tumblr tag = Terah Edun

Here’s how you enter:

  • Email a link to your fanart post on social media or Youtube video to Rachel, assistant (at) terahedun (dot) com. All entries should be in by June 25th! If there’s enough I’ll post the winners at the end of the month.


If I get more than five entries, I’ll not only post the winners of the swag packs BUT ALSO pick one grand prize winner who will receive one item of their choice from my store – TERAH EDUN STORE. How’s that for incentive?

Sworn To Vengeance: Courtlight #7 – First Chapter

Time seems to have gotten away with me on this book. But I’m fast at work on it now! No release date to announce yet but I do have a very nice excerpt to share and a very cool shot of the exclusive pre-order that was promoted to the entire iBooks store on their science fiction & fantasy page. You can still pre-order Sworn To Vengeance on iBooks and only there! It will release on all retailers though. Now check out the blurb below before you read the excerpt! iBooks Promo

Title holder

Ciardis Weathervane is nothing if not resourceful but she and her friends are running out of time and options. They stand at the westernmost edge of the Algardis Empire with a mission from their emperor – bring home the collar that will stop a god in its tracks or die trying.

But nothing is ever that simple. In their way stands thousands of people trapped inside a walled city for half a century. With the souls of the living and the corpses of the damned, the denizens of Kifar have become the living undead.

What’s worse than confronting the undead? Learning that those poor souls blame the imperial family for their predicament. Now the city and its people want retribution and the only thing they will accept is the sacrifice of the empire’s most famous son – Sebastian Athanos Algardis.

He will stand trial for the crimes of his bloodline and it will take more than diplomacy for Ciardis to win his freedom, before a reign of fire comes down from the wyvern and the dragon to burn them all.


Also keep in mind that this is pre-beta readers and pre-edits, so content may change.

Without further ado, the first chapter of SWORN TO VENGEANCE: COURTLIGHT #7. Hope you enjoy the first look! ^.^

First Chapter

Ciardis Weathervane stared at the dying embers of the campfire in front of her. Her body was still. If you looked at her face you would think that she was calm. Serene even. She wanted it to seem that way. Only two people in this encampment could read her mind at any point in time and at this moment they both were consciously doing their utmost best to not slip into her thoughts. Ciardis didn’t think it was out of respect that Thanar and Sebastian were keeping their mind-to-mind magic to a limit. But she had to admit, it didn’t seem to be out of petty vindictiveness either. Instead, she and they were at an odd impasse. One that required more effort that any of them were willing to put in at the moment to solve. After all, that effort would actually require them to voice their thoughts on the bond and even worse, do something about it. What that something was Ciardis had the feeling that none of them yet knew. But the push for change had been growing like a slowly rising tide ever since they had left Sandrin.

But it wasn’t yet to the point where it had to be addressed or they’d drown as sure as a fisherman with a cracked boat would. Which suited her just fine. They all had enough things to worry about and despite Christian’s tirade and Vana’s admonishments they weren’t in danger of dying from the strained bond. Not yet anyway. They were however about to be surrounded by the enemy, literally, so Ciardis could be forgiven if her mind was rather preoccupied with more pressing matters of life and death. She pursed her mouth into a thin line and she thought about the tension, no, not tension, the sense of nervous energy in the air. They were getting ready for another adventure. A new one. For some that meant they finally had a plan and a purpose. Terris, the shaman and the soldiers fell into that camp. Eager to move forward. For others, it meant that they were walking into a danger that they couldn’t quite assess. Ciardis, Sebastian, and Christian fell into that one. The worried camp. She didn’t like walking into anything blind, even if she was following the leadership of a friend.

Especially so, Ciardis thought dryly, If Terris dies because of this I’ll never forgive myself.

Ciardis turned to eye the one individual whose thoughts were unknown. Thanar. He had barely strung two words together since they’d gathered at the edge of the ruins two hours ago. She couldn’t hear his thoughts either and so she wasn’t sure if he was angry at the plan, at her or at the world. For now, she’d assume a little bit of each and keep her distance. He didn’t look very approachable anyway. He sat close enough to the small fire pit to see his work in front as he dragged a whetstone over a sharp curved blade. It was a scimitar he’d managed to purloin from one of the soldiers with a whispered promise…or threat, she wasn’t sure which. It could have easily been both since the man had turned as pale as a ghost as Thanar walked away with one of the soldier’s secondary weapons.

At least the soldier didn’t necessarily need the weapon, Ciardis thought with no little guilt. She had no idea why she felt so guilty though, it wasn’t like she was in charge of Thanar. That was her mother’s job.

Now the daemoni prince sat glaring at said weapon with an intensity hot enough to set fire to the steel if he was so inclined. Fortunately, he wasn’t. Instead of melted metal dripping down his fingers, the sharp scrap of the whetstone against the blade filled the air of their small enclave like the sound of nails on a brass wall. Far from soothing. But by the set of his shoulders and the determination of his gaze, the person who tried to pry the weapon from Thanar’s hands would lose more than an arm.

Just watching Thanar made Ciardis’s shoulders ache. She reached up with her unburdened left arm to massage the right. It was sore. In fact her entire upper body felt like a bruise. She wasn’t sure if that was from falling down a sand dune, fighting a group of Muareg on arrival, or sleeping on a stone floor. All three possibly.

But she wouldn’t complain. Because everyone else was in the same situation. Besides they weren’t here for a vacation, they were here on a diplomatic mission that could save their empire. She could live with a few sore muscles.

What she couldn’t live with was the thought of walking into a trap. But they didn’t have much choice. They didn’t have the time or the capability to travel around the encamped groups at the base of the valley. So they had to go through them.

“Threading the eyes of the needle as Terris said,” Ciardis whispered.

If this tactic went wrong, and she still wasn’t exactly sure how they planned on threading the needle without being seen, then they would be pitted against a couple thousands individuals that she’d much rather just avoid.

But it wasn’t just what they were walking immediately into that had Ciardis concerned.

It’s what comes after, she thought as she wiped a finger across the edge of her brow. For a moment she expected to feel sweat on her skin. But just the touch of her parched flesh, dry from a noonday sun and little hydration, met her fingers. She wasn’t surprised. More of an afterthought to remember that here, unlike the cool sea coast of Sandrin or the bitter cold of the North, the humidity in the air was nonexistent and moisture was a wishful thought. Probably the reason that there were no flora or fauna for miles. As the sun disappeared on the horizon and even their campfire smoldered into oblivion, her ability to see more than a few feet in front of her diminished to inches as she watched. They were slipping into the darkness that would cloak them in shadows as they raced across the sand. Hopefully undetected.

She pushed her fingers back into her hair impatiently, catching stray curls as she did so and threading them with stiff fingers into the nest of her hair. As she stopped fidgeting Ciardis closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and listened. Just for a moment. She heard the low whistle of wind as it flowed across sand dunes and around the broken ruin walls that housed their daylight camping spot.

She cocked her ear to the left at the final crackle of a dying fire. Then the low murmurs of a group of voices to her right caught her attention. They were discussing something. She couldn’t quite hear what and she was too grounded in this spot, with the wind in her hair and the sand beneath her booted feet to move over towards them.

It was probably important. Probably.

She opened her eyes, exhaled and looked up as another cool wind whipped around the columns with a burst of energy—throwing sand straight into her face. She grimaced as soon more sand whipped along her bare arms. Nothing about that felt particularly good. The little grains stung, but at least it wasn’t in her eyes. Add that to the cool temperature in the air and this little sojourn was turning out to be a delight.

Ciardis had to crack a wry smile. Who would have imagined being cold in the desert. But as she certainly knew now, it was possible.

She thought about how she felt. Despite the trepidation and energy around her, inwardly she felt calm. Not as serene as she’d like to project but calmer than she had been before previous circumstances of similarly dire straits.  And because she’d encountered plans like this before, she knew her mental state for what it was. She knew that it was the calm before the storm. She couldn’t avoid it or temper it. She could only acknowledge what was to come and prepare. The entire group felt on edge. And why shouldn’t they? They were about to invade enemy territory with little more than a few knives and swords between them and at least a thousand trained marauders in their way.

The tightness in her belly grew stronger. It just added to the wariness she already felt about their mission and the secret they had uncovered. Or rather the secret that they had been told. Their captive, the male known as ‘the Muareg’, hadn’t minced words about what awaited them in the city of Kifar.

So even if by some miracle we get through these marauder camps unscathed, we still have a city that not only has been locked away for half a century to deal with but now the possibility of something I hadn’t even thought about since I was in the forests of Ameles has arisen. Death magic, she thought to herself wryly while exhaling with a tense breath.

To be fair, what she had been dealing with in Ameles was shadow magic or the ability to control the shadows and the shades that inhabited bodies. But she had had one fatal encounter with a necromancer on that journey, fatal for him that is. All of which had left her with an aversion to death magic of any kind, let alone the type that allowed the dead to live again.

As she looked out of the corner of her eye, Ciardis spotted Sebastian staring at her with an inquisitive look. He didn’t say anything but the gaze was enough to tell her he was wondering why she was staring off into space. So Ciardis shook her head abruptly to clear her thoughts.

Focus, she chanted to herself. One thing at a time.

With her back to the edge of the steep embankment that led down into the valley she noticed that everyone was finally prepared to leave. They’d been ready for hours. But they couldn’t put Terris’s plan into action and thread the needle until full darkness had fallen. And with it came the stealthy way forward they needed.

In front of her the soldier smothered the orange glow from the remaining embers by kicking sand tersely over it. Ciardis watched the glow die and mage lights emerge all around her. Thanar held one light like a pet orb in center of his palm. Rachel had another hovering just over her shoulder.

Ciardis felt her brow furrow as she shivered. This time not from just the cold. She shook her shoulders to shrug off the feeling. It was true that the cold air of the desert night was giving her the shivers, but it was the foreboding feeling in the pit of her stomach that gave her the most unease.

Biting the bottom of her lip, she accepted a bundle of brown cloth from Christian as he walked over to her and left the convened group behind.

Taking her gaze from the steep slope that led down into the valley and the two groups of marauders that stood between them and Kifar, Ciardis gave the koreschie a small smile.

“Last minute preparations?” she asked

“As always.”

She laughed. It was a bitter one the she couldn’t help as the bad feeling in the pit of her stomach grew.

“Nervous?” he said quietly as he handed over a small bronze clasp. Looking at it and shaking out the musty bundle of cloth he’d given her, she realized it was a cloak and the fastening pin for the nape of her neck.

“About?” she said.

She heard the chuckle in his voice which she ignored to see why everyone in their group was suddenly standing on the edge of the embankment. She turned back to the vision that currently had their entire group enthralled. The campfires of their enemies had become visible as soon as dusk hit. And there were a lot of them. What had seemed improbable just hours before, seemed downright impossible now. How were they supposed to slip between two camps that has many fires burning as there were visible stars in the sky. Or so it seemed.

Beside her she felt the sand shift around her boots as Christian took firmer footing on the vista that it seemed everyone had gathered silently to stare from.

Finally he replied, “Are you more nervous about threading the eye of that needle…or what we’ll find on the other side?”

“I’m…not sure.”


“What does it matter,” she said harshly.

As soon as she said it she regretted it. Not the words themselves. The tone. She sounded more anxious than a high-strung mare facing down a pack of wolves.

But to his credit Christian didn’t comment on that.

He did, however, say, “Sometimes the greatest fear is admitting the fear itself.”

Ciardis replied, “Tell me that again when we’re facing down a satyr with mind-wielding powers or a god of destruction. I’m sure it’ll be helpful.”

She tightened her hand on the rough staff in her right palm almost involuntarily. Yes, she was scared. But she didn’t have to admit it every second. She wouldn’t. She needed to be brave. They all needed to be brave.

“I agree we need to be brave,” Christian said.

“Did I say that aloud?” Ciardis murmured startled. “What I meant was—“

 “You were right,” Christian interjected.

Ciardis blinked and turned to eye him with no little surprise. “About what?”

Christian snorted. “That perhaps…admitting the fear serves no purpose at this time.”

“Will wonders never cease?” Ciardis said.

Christian shook her head. “For you? No.”

Ciardis punched him in the shoulder and he broke the tense atmosphere with a hearty laugh.

She couldn’t help it, she responded with a chuckle of her own.

“We’ve been in worse situations,” Ciardis said reluctantly.

“Yes, we have.”

“And we survived.”

“For the most part,” said Christian diplomatically.

Ciardis sighed. “Yes, well we’ll just have to keep pushing through.”

He looked down at her with a raised eyebrow as she looked up at him.

“Through these trials I meant,” she murmured.

He nodded. “What else is on your mind?”

Ciardis opened her mouth to answer and then swallowed hastily before clamping her mouth shut.

“Ciardis,” he prodded.

“Alright, fine,” she said harshly, “You can’t tell me that even the mighty koreschie, killer and healer, doesn’t have some reservations about this plan.”

This time he laughed. “I would never dream of it. In fact, I’m terrified.”

“Of what awaits us behind the city walls?” Ciardis asked curiously.

“Of the people who await us in the valley below,” Christian.

Ciardis blinked. That wasn’t the answer she’d been expecting. Granted, she did fear the marauders. But that’s all they were. Thieves. Scoundrels. Human ones.

She’s rather face a thousand immoral humans, than one hundred undead ones.

And it was the undead that awaited them in Kifar.

Crossing Worlds Launch + $100 Giftcard / Kindle Fire

Storybundle graphic

Step into fantastical realms with the Crossing Worlds YA StoryBundle – Young Adult fiction guaranteed to entertain all ages!

Do you miss that sense of wonder your favorite books used to give you; the fast-paced and exciting reads that would suck you in and not let you go?


Welcome to the newest StoryBundle, where nine top-notch authors bring you tales of adventure and courage featuring younger protagonists triumphing over magic and mayhem.

The Authors:

   Anthea Sharp | Julian Rosado-Machain | Steven Savile | Susan Kaye Quinn

     Nic Tatano | Mercedes Lackey | Elle Casey | Emily Casey | Terah Edun

          A great perk of the Storybundle format is that it’s pay what you want.


That’s right. You can go to and set any amount for all 10 of these fabulous stories. So go ahead, choose your price, grab a bundle, AND enter to win a new Kindle Fire or $100 cash while you’re at it.

Remember, you only have 3 weeks to grab this amazing bundle, and then it’s gone forever.


To kick off the launch of CROSSING WORLDS, the authors are giving a lucky reader the chance to win a KINDLE FIRE HD or a $100 Giftcard!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

An Introduction to my Assistant – Rachel

RachelHey Readers,

I felt it was time to do a formal introduction of my new assistant, Rachel. 😀 As time has passed, I’ve gotten busier and busier with the business side of writing. That leaves me less time to write in general. To rectify the problem, I’ve decided to work with an assistant in 2015 and boy I’ve already noticed a difference in my ability to be productive and get things done!

Now that I have Rachel by my side things get done quicker with two people on the task. Rachel has been a long-time beta reader for me and friend, so it really was the best combination to bring her onto my team as my assistant. She’s now in charge of my Facebook page, Facebook reader group, giveaways, keeping me on target with my writing, reminding me of project deadlines, and answering any questions you all have. We’ve had two great months to work together before I officially introduced her to you and really have managed to make a seamless work relationship.

You can reach Rachel through my official Facebook page: or by email:

Now that formal introductions are over, let’s get to the fun part shall we? Rachel has an AWESOME background and story which I think you’ll find fascinating especially if you’re a fan of my CROWN SERVICE series. She’s a lady sword fighter who does combat training in a variety of weapons like longswords. If you don’t know what that is, check out this NY Times story on the art form. How cool is that? Once you finish reading the interview you’ll understand why she’s the perfect assistant and beta reader for me. Hint, not only is she really great at keeping me on track, but is also a practiced fighter who studies herbalism! You’ll see, now read on and please welcome Rachel to the team in the comments! <3

Where are you from and what drew you to learn how to fight?

My name is Rachel Westra and in the Society for Creative Anachronism (see here on their mock combats) I’m called Lady Delphina the Bearcat.   I’m from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, but I currently live in Great Britain.

The whole reason I was drawn towards the way of the sword and the path of a warrior was all thanks to a single book, C.S. Lewis’s “The Horse and His Boy” – the first fantasy book I had ever read.   I was immediately hooked and I knew with all of my 8 year old heart that I was going to grow up to be a fighter.   That single book set me on a life-changing path and ten years later when I was 18 I was able to make that dream come true.   Pennants and banners snapping in the breeze, sun glinting off helms and the glitter of gleaming mail coats.   All of this is something I experience now as a tourney fighter with the SCA.

How long have you been training with a sword?

I have been training for the past 13 years, since I was 16 years old.

Are you trained in more than one weapon and/or hand-to-hand combat?

I am trained primarily with sword and shield, however I am also trained and authorized in great sword, glaive, spear, mace and axe.   I have never had any official training for hand-to-hand, but I like to think of myself as a bit of a scrapper.

What’s it like being a woman in a historically male field?

This is somewhat of an interesting topic and I am a bit torn on it truth be told. The bottom line is that I do not see myself as a female fighter.   I am a fighter who happens to be a woman.   Once the helm and armor is donned, there are no allowances made for genders.   On the other side of that coin though, a small part of me is very proud that I am one of the guys and I love to see other women get out there and test their mettle. As a woman that is only 5’2”, I try to be an example to others that size does not matter.   And I will say that I am very grateful to the other woman fighters who have gone before me and paved the way during much harder times, when I may not have been as readily accepted in the shield-wall as I am today.

Note from Terah: I’d like to point out here that Rachel is not the only amazing woman to do medieval combat training just as she says. See this bio on Samantha Sword (pictured kneeling here). tumblr_mzofj8ho1W1rjo7j8o4_400

You once explained that you belonged to a medieval society/organization with a global presence. Tell us more about them!

I belong to a group called the Society for Creative Anachronism, or more commonly referred to as the SCA.   From the website the SCA is an “…international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe. Our “Known World” consists of 19 kingdoms, with over 30,000 members residing in countries around the world. Members, dressed in clothing of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, attend events which feature tournaments, royal courts, feasts, dancing, various classes & workshops, and more”   I have traveled the United States as well as Sweden, Germany, Wales, and England attending events and fighting in tournaments and melees.   The largest event the SCA has can include anywhere from 10,000-15,000 people in attendance and about 5,000 fighters on the field during the melees.

What did you have to do to earn your title? Can you explain the ranking system of the Society for Creative Anachronisms to us?   I have the title of “Lady” it is the most basic of titles and usually the first to be given out to members.   I earned my title by being an active member in the SCA and by helping out as much as I could within my local group and Kingdom.

Is there a female warrior – fictional or non-fictional, that you find inspiring?

Yes, very much so.   You see, even though I had made the decision when I was 8 years old to become a warrior someday, I needed a bit more encouragement that I could do it when I grew older. That is when I was introduced to Alanna the Lioness, by Tamora Pierce. Here was a fictional character who was about the same age as I currently was going through some similar trials and I kept telling myself that if she could do it, I could as well.Rachel2

For all the women and men out there who want to learn how to wield a sword, where would you suggest they go to learn more?

You can definitely find out if there is a local SCA group close to you and contact them to see when fighter practice would be.   Practice is free and most groups have loaner armor and people willing to help train you and get you started.   I had the good fortune to stumble upon my local SCA group when I was 16. A friend of mine had told me about them and I showed up unannounced to their local fighter practice.   Imagine if you will…there I was, a 16 years old girl with bright blue hair, walking up to a complete group of strangers with all the courage I could muster. A chance to finally realize the dream I had since I was 8. I walked up to them and asked “Are you the SCA?” When they said yes, I said in a determined voice, “Good, I want to fight!”

Can you tell us a little about yourself outside of sword-fighting?

I am 29 years old and currently residing in England.   I am also a college student and am actively pursuing a major in German as well as a certificate to teach English as a second/foreign Language.   I am an avid reader with close to 700 books in my personal library. While they consist mostly of fantasy books, I also have texts on medieval sword fighting techniques, herbalism, mystery, classics, and historical fiction.   Even though I love reading I love video games and hiking just as much!

And that is the end of the interview!


New Terah Edun Store is LIVE

Hi All,

As I mentioned before I was working on setting up a store of branded Courtlight and Crown Service goodies. I’m very picky about the quality of the items I’m willing to sell and these passed the test with flying colors, so even if you don’t want to buy go check them out!

You can now see the store LIVE here:

All items are a limited run and available on a first-come, first-serve basis. My next store goodie will be a Crown Service item. 🙂


Seeking Beta Readers for Sworn To Vengeance: Courtlight #7!

UPDATE 03/22/2015 – CLOSED

Thank you so much to everyone who reached out and applied. I didn’t expect to be so overwhelmed with applicants! I’ve chosen 5 Beta Readers and 2 Proofreaders for Sworn To Vengeance. You all will be getting an email from me soon. In addition, I’m going to pick 5 ARC (Advanced Readers Copy)  Readers to get review copies of the book before its released. Again big thank you to everyone!

Beta Readers: Kelly Boettcher, Ashley Marlow, Alexindrina*, Catherine Hall, Katie Johnson, Jason L.

Proofreaders: Audrey Suarez, Bonnie Kiner-Strachan, Mary Claire-Miller

ARC Readers: *Full List TBA* Jaime Radalyac, Geana Schroeder

*No email posted so an extra reader was added just in case I can’t get in touch.
New call out for beta readers for Book Seven! If you’re interested in becoming a beta reader for me, read on!

I’m getting started on SWORN TO VENGEANCE and I would love reader feedback on the plot arc and character development. You can be any age, any experience level – all I ask is that you be enthusiastic about fantasy books. If you haven’t done this before – don’t worry about it. I’m looking for feedback as detailed as you want (i.e. Terah you missed a semicolon in the second line of paragraph four on page 87) or as broad as you want (i.e. I really didn’t like that Steve character – he’s too angry – change him ASAP).

If you’ve read Books One – Six in the Courtlight series, you’ll have a much easier time beta reading for me as well. You can download free copies of the first three books here.

What would be expected of you as a beta reader?
  • You would be emailed the manuscript/Word doc on Mon, March 23rd, and you’ll have approximately five days to provide feedback (I’d need it back by Fri, Mar. 27th).  Please only enter if you’re available during this timeframe.
  • You would be expected to give me your honest opinion about what you didn’t like, what you’d prefer to see changed (if anything), and basically just your overall thoughts. I’m not looking for unwarranted praise. Only your complete honesty can help me improve the story. Don’t worry about hurting my feelings. 🙂
  • Please agree to not share the story with anyone else.
If you are interested in reading Sworn to Vengeance and providing feedback which will help me revise, please answer the following questions in the comment section of this blog post (people reading this on Goodreads will need to visit my actual blog to comment – comments made on Goodreads will not be considered):


1) Your first name
2) Your email address
3) Is this your first time doing a beta read or book critique?
4) Favorite authors (just so I can get a feel for your general likes)
5) Have you read all six Courtlight series books?


I will post my list of beta readers on Sunday, March 22nd, so check back then!!!  Thanks so much!!!


Sworn To Vengeance Video Reveal

Welcome to the post about the next Courtlight series book – SWORN TO VENGEANCE: COURTLIGHT #7.

I’ll updating this post with an official release date, buy links and tidbits so check back often when you want to know the most up-to-date information on Sworn To Vengeance.

Today, 02/22/15, I’m revealing an awesome trailer. Catch it HERE or just below.



Sworn To Vengeance - 900x1350

What do you think? Tell me in the comments section! One random commenter will get automatic access to the first draft of Sworn To Vengeance as a BETA READER!

Now for the BLURB

Ciardis Weathervane is nothing if not resourceful but she and her friends are running out of time and options. They stand at the westernmost edge of the Algardis Empire with a mission from their emperor – bring home the collar that will stop a god in its tracks or die trying.

But nothing is ever that simple. In their way stands thousands of people trapped inside a walled city for half a century. With the souls of the living and the corpses of the damned, the denizens of Kifar have become the living undead.

What’s worse than confronting the undead? Learning that those poor souls blame the imperial family for their predicament. Now the city and its people want retribution and the only thing they will accept is the sacrifice of the empire’s most famous son – Sebastian Athanos Algardis.

He will stand trial for the crimes of his bloodline and it will take more than diplomacy for Ciardis to win his freedom, before a reign of fire comes down from the wyvern and the dragon to burn them all.

FIERCE: Sixteen Authors Of Fantasy Cover & Blurb Reveal

Very excited to present the cover for the forthcoming multi-author bundle, FIERCE: Sixteen Authors Of Fantasy. Click on the iBooks EXCLUSIVE Pre-Order below to reserve your copy today. On sale on all retailers March 10, 2015. We hope everyone will be looking forward to this!FIERCE, Sixteen Authors Of Fantasy

For a limited time only!

Join epic fantasy legend Mercedes Lackey and fifteen additional New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon bestselling authors on the adventure of a lifetime!

Over one million words and sixteen realms of fantasy brought together for your reading pleasure. Discover courageous characters fighting for justice and order, journey between kingdoms of dragons and lands of anarchy as tales of magic and mayhem unfold.

Grab it today, before it’s gone!

FIERCE: Sixteen Authors Of Fantasy pre-orders are available exclusively through iBooks.

Hurry and get a copy for $0.99!

Ibooks icon

D About the Authors and Titles:

Mercedes Lackey – Moving Targets

Stuck watching over four Herald trainees on circuit, Elyn is at her wits’ end—and that’s before a town asks for help with a ghostly infestation.

Michael G. Manning – The Blacksmith’s Son

A journey to discover the secrets of his past reveals a magical heritage and embroils Mordecai in a deadly battle for the future of mankind.

K.F. Breene – Chosen

Prophecy has foretold that when war threatens the world, the Chosen will appear to help the Shadow Warriors reclaim their stolen freedom and lead them out of the Land of Mist.

Morgan Rice – A Quest of Heroes

Thorgin, an outsider and a dreamer, fights to become a warrior in an epic quest that finds him at the center of a maelstrom of royal plots and counterplots that threaten him and everyone he loves.

Michael James Ploof – Whill of Agora

When Whill learns the truth of his lineage, he sets out to face his father’s murderer, but what he learns along the way will change his life—and the realm—forever.

Daniel Arenson – Requiem’s Song

Weredragons, men call them. Monsters. Cursed ones. People who can turn into beastly reptiles. Together they will forge a nation.

Kate Sparkes – Bound

When a young woman accidentally saves the life of an enemy Sorcerer, she finds herself drawn into a world of magic that’s more beautiful, more seductive, and more dangerous than she ever imagined.

David Adams – The Pariahs

Two sellswords—a half-elf and a half-orc—find their war over before it even begins. But trouble is stirring on the home front, conflict which threatens more than just their lives.

Amy Raby – The Fire Seer
Taya must use her fire visions to investigate a series of murders, but the Coalition of Mages has partnered her with her old nemesis, the man who used to bully her when they were young.

C. Greenwood – Magic of Thieves & Betrayal of Thieves

In a province where magic is forbidden, young Ilan, born with the powerful gift of her ancestors, has only one hope for survival—concealment.

David Dalglish – The Weight of Blood

When half-bloods Harruq and Qurrah Tun pledged their lives to a death prophet, they only sought escape from their squalid beginnings. Instead, they become his greatest disciples, charged with leading his army of undead.

K.J. Colt – Bear Heart

In the savage lands of Ruxdor, young Klawdia must fight the champions of four rival clans to defend her future as the first female chieftain.

Shae Ford – Poison

A bandit girl is taken from her home and thrust into a complex world of lords and ladies, where she learns that she must kill to survive.

Endi Webb – The Maskmaker’s Apprentice

Masks of legend. Masks of power. Those who dare to wear them trifle with the old powers and risk ruin and mayhem. But a young apprentice maskmaker cannot contain his curiosity, and accidentally unleashes a deadly terror upon an unsuspecting world.

Michael Wallace – The Dark Citadel

A slave boy and a young queen lead an alliance of spies, servants, and merchants to stave off the encroaching armies of a dark wizard.

Terah Edun – Blades of Magic

As an unstoppable war breaks out, a young girl enlists in the military to unravel the secrets surrounding her father’s execution.


I want to thank you all for your patience and being supportive readers. I received dozens of a messages a week asking me where the next book is. I didn’t answer all of them immediately but I did read every one and now that Sworn To Ascension: Courtlight #6 has released I’ve taken the time to personally respond to everyone who emailed or Facebook messaged me or commented. I knew you wanted the next book and wanted it now. That’s my goal in 2015. To keep producing what you want and do it timely.

To keep in touch, I’ve joined forces with another fantasy author, K.J. Colt of,  to put together an awesome private group for readers. I will share with you there updates on my manuscripts, new cover art, my publishing process and answer questions as I can. My lovely assistant, Rachel, will also be there to share exclusive teasers from in-progress manuscripts before release day.

Sounds good? Then join here -> THE GUILD

Now for the NEWS:

  • I’m super elated to announce that I have signed with Nancy Yost Literary Agency. I’m really excited about this partnership.
  • I also want you to know that I have a collaboration project releasing in March 2015 that will BLOW your mind. The cover will be revealed VERY SOON, so check back and take a peek. You won’t be disappointed!
  • I should have the cover for Sworn To Vengeance up on the website within the next week but I won’t be announcing a release date just yet. However in order to prepare the book for release I will be asking for beta readers in THE GUILD. 😀 So if you want to join my team, get ready.
  • I’m going to be convening a special X-group of readers for the re-writes for Blades Of Illusion. Instead of sending them the full finished book as I do my betas, we’ll be working with every five chapters to completely re-write Crown Service #2 and make it better than before. Applications for the X-group will be announced soon.

That’s about all.

Sworn To Ascension: Courtlight #6 is LIVE!!

Courtlight Teaser

Now available on all retail sites.

Ciardis Weathervane is officially engaged to one man and bonded to a second. She should be planning the wedding ceremony, bearding the nobles of the imperial court in their dens, and exposing an imposter emperor. Instead she’s spending her engagement on the lawless road to the western lands.

Now with the help of a guide from a tribe of seers, Ciardis is traveling to the ancient city of Kifar. Rumored to hold the only device capable of stopping the blutgott, Ciardis, Sebastian and Thanar must break a half-century’s old quarantine in order to enter the fabled city.

But the collar of Diamis is not the only thing they seek. The princess heir’s pet wyvern lurks in wait for them and the emperor, who has done everything short of challenging the new triad of Algardis outright, wants its head on a platter upon their return.

If the unscrupulous bandits don’t make short work of them, Ciardis knows that when they return she and Sebastian will have to a face and unmask the man who has stolen the imperial throne. The only question that remains…will that be before or after they’re forced to battle a god?