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Archive for the ‘Francais’ Category

Les Traductions Français de La Lumière de l’Empire!

J’ai la plaisir de vous annoncer que les deux premiers livres de “La Lumière de l’Empire” sont maintenant disponibles en français ! C’est vrai, on peut maintenant lire les traductions.

C’est aussi possible de recevoir une copie préliminaire SANS PAYER pour les lecteurs en échange pour faire une critique honnête du livre en Amazon ou Kobo.

S’il vous intéresse, envoyez un email au Lauren à

New Book


Sworn To Raise: Courtlight #1 now available in French, Spanish, German, and Portuguese

It’s been a really crazy, hectic and amazing 8 months. I know you all have been impatient for the next book in the Courtlight series. But I’ve been swamped and I do mean SWAMPED. By life has basically been one thing after another since March 2015. I’ve signed contracts with libraries and editors and worked on books I didn’t even think were possible.

So…my life…

Today I get to formally announce one of those things…Courtlight is now available in FIVE languages to readers around the world. You and your friends and your cousins can see it in French, in Spanish, in Portuguese, in German, and in English. All of the second books (Sworn To Transfer) are currently in translation (or already out) as well. You’ll be able to find all the information you need for each language on their respective pages.

I hope one day my readers in different countries come across each other and this happens:

But for now, just get to know each other other.

Spanish Header for Site


French Header for Site


Portuguese Header for Site


Also there are helpful buttons on the top of every page from which you can navigate to the respective language pages!



In My Inbox: Paperbacks, French Books, Reviews

Hi Readers,

I thought I would continue this IN MY INBOX feature from earlier, so here we go:


First of all, i just got the first four books in paperback now. I was wondering when book 5 and 6 might be going into paperback?

This message can be answered at all time when YOU HAVE THE TIME TO DO SO!

Keep writing!!!!!!!


Hi J, Thanks so much for buying Books 1 – 4 in paperback. Such an honor and I hope you love the design of the books. The flourishes in the chapter headings are my favorite. ^.^ I’ll be sending Books 5-6 (and hopefully 7) to a formatter now and they should be available for purchase in late September.


I have just finished reviewing the proofreader’s comments. I agree with almost everything (except the commas after the question marks in the dialogues), and her insights were useful!


*grins* I love it when my team works together so well, so I’m sharing with you all – my lovely readers. The French translation of SWORN TO RAISE: COURTLIGHT #1 is now populating to all retailers and it’s so exciting. We’ve already gotten sales. Book 2 will be available in mid-fall. If you read French, you can find everything you need over at:

My post went live today 🙂 Here’s my link.


How awesome is this?! This email actually went to Rachel (Author Assistant) and then to me but you get the drift. Thank you so much Louisa for sharing your reviews of all six Courtlight books on Words I Write Crazy!

You can see her reviews of the Sworn To Raise: Courtlight #1, Sworn To Transfer: Courtlight #2, and Sworn To Conflict: Courtlight #3 on this page.  Sworn To Secrecy: Courtlight #4, Sworn To Defiance: Courtlight #5, and Sworn To Ascension: Courtlight #6 are here.


I was reminded of Michelle Saraga’s books while reading these books, and that was just really fantastic!

I just dove into these books (how did I wait so long?) and the pages just flew right on by!