The wait is over, a Courtlight series update (Spoiler: its been extended!) :)

Hello all,
I’ve been working hard on Sworn To Justice: Courtlight #12 and it’s DOOONE! OMG yay, I’ve never been more excited to type this out. We’re priming the book and checking it twice to get it ready for your eReader downloads. In the meantime, check out these awesome reader reviewers as Guild members have gotten an advanced look at the book in preparation for the launch –
“This is the best in the series yet!”
“Terah has done it again. Action packed from chapter 1 and heartache that everyone has come to expect from the Courtlight series.”
“You made my heart stop ?”
“NEVER EVER let it end!! ❤️”
“Terah I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! This has been the best news ever. I will be sleeping with the biggest cheese grin. Lucky #13!!!!! Oh wait until everyone sees this!”
Now on to all the updates on my writing. My sincere apologies for the radio silence. I can’t believe its been nine whole months since my last publication date. That is unusual for me and trust me it wasn’t deliberate. Just a factor of writing this next adventure for Ciardis & Sebastian & Thanar, wanting it to be perfect, and realizing I was cutting scenes that made me so happy.
So now that I’ve figured out the focus on Courtlight #12, I’m back to writing other books in the Algardis Universe, and ready to keep you entertained for the foreseeable future. Which means your 2019 Year is going to be delightful with fantasy, magic, romance, and adventure once more! So I hope you’re ready to buckle in and get even more excited for a hyped new year!
Courtlight #12 will be the first release, perhaps in time for a little Christmas cheer *hint, hint* ^.^, then I will be going on to more books in the Crown Service series as well as some new spin-offs about the dragons of Sahalia and the school for Mages. But I did want to give you a head’s up before you started reading Sworn To Justice because there will be surprises in store, twists & turns, heartbreak, peril and of course – the continuation of the series!
What – you say? More Courtlight books? YES! That’s right. Now, when I started writing this book nine months ago I was sure it would be a simple matter of tying up loose ends, answering all the questions readers had (who is Ciardis Weathervane’s father!?), and making it a riveting adventure.
Turns out that was a huge undertaking to include all of that in one book. So I started writing and kept writing and kept writing. I’m now staring at 150,000 words of magical goodness…and I’m nowhere near done.
Oh, we have a battle with a goddess. A wedding of epic proportions. A father introduced. But so many scenes in between and after each of those momentous occasions need their time to shine.
So here’s what I’m doing – I’m extending the Courtlight series! After you pick up Sworn To Justice: Courtlight #12, now there will be a new title forthcoming – Sworn To Victory: Courtlight #13. I haven’t titled book #14 yet but at least half of it will be filled with more dragons than you could ever ever imagine. And both will have the wedding that will put Harry & Meghan’s to shame. 🙂
So I hope you’re ready! Courtlight has just a little bit more in store for you! In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled and those one-click fingers primed! I’ll be announcing the release of Courtlight #12 quicker than you can blink.
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